

By admin | February 4, 2018


Jesus came into the world in a barn;

No one had room for him.

Yet his manner of birth did not keep him

Being God’s son.

Homeless is what I am,not who I am.


Jesus was homeless and a street person

the last three years of his life.

Instead of accepting offers to stay indoors,

He stayed outside,where his friends were.

And he invited others to join him there.

Homeless is what I am,not who I am.


On the road, Jesus often met street people.

He listened to them; He befriended them;He healed them.

He always made time for them.

Street people matter to God.

A street person is what I am, not who I am.


Jesus told a story about a homeless man.

The neighbors didn’t want him around.

So they dumped him on the doorstep of a wealthy person.

But he ignored him also.

Homeless is what I am, not who I am.


Jesus died homeless; his friends abandoned him.

His reputation was ruined by lies and slander.

His clothes were stolen from him; he was beaten nearly to death.

He was buried in a donated grave.

Homeless is what I am, not who I am.


I am homeless,but I am not helpless.

I am penniless,but God says I am Priceless.

I may be a street person,but God says I am not Homeless.

Sometimes hope is hard to find,but I will look to the Lord for my strength…!!! 

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